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Indianapolis 5K & Monumental Mile
June 21, 2025



5 Great Podcasts for Your Long Run

5 Great Podcasts for Your Long Run

Rhi Johns

About a year and a half ago, I discovered Podcasts. I enjoy running with them for a number of reasons:

  1. Actively listening to spoken word rather than passively listening to music really passes the miles.
  2. I have great conversation starters when I get home.
  3. I feel like I’m actually learning while running!

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Science Friday – Want to keep up with all things science? NPR’s Science Friday gives you a glorious selection of topical science stories and content every week. Topics vary from the mundane (like the science of cheese) to the kind that literally make my brain hurt (Quantum Computing. Dark Matter. The Universe). One of the best things? It publishes every Friday, so you get two glorious hours of content just in time for your weekend long run.

Find it here


2. Freakonomics – One of the most popular podcasts on iTunes and with good reason. If you ever wondered about the hidden consequences of tipping, payday loans, the gender-pay gap, sleep, and a eradicating rats from a village, this is a podcast for you. The results are rarely what you think! Publishes weekly on Thursdays.

Find it here


3. Welcome to Night Vale – My only fiction podcast! This one is necessary to start at the very first show and work your way through the narrative– so if you have a lot of time (miles), this is a great way to get a darkly humored, sci-fi fix. It’s a little twisted and a little strange, but I’ve found myself laughing out loud mid-run at times. Publishes on the 1st and 15th of every month.

Find it here


4. TED Talks (audio) – This podcast tends to publish in random spurts, sending out around ten episodes at a time (if you subscribe in iTunes). Great snippets of inspiring and thought provoking talks in digestible fifteen minute segments. Some are hilarious, some are tear jerking, and some are mind blowing. (Bonus: Check out Ted Radio Hour from NPR if you prefer the full-hour format).

Ted Talks (audio)

Ted Radio Hour


5. I’ll Have Another (Lindsey Hein) – Indianapolis local Lindsey Hein just started this podcast and already has four hour-long episodes in the queue. This podcast is a place for conversations that leave you feeling refreshed and inspired. Lindsey talks with athletes, entrepreneurs, non-profit leaders and more! As a 13X marathoner and running coach, Lindsey brings quite a bit of running talk to the conversations –the most relevant topic of any of these on long run day!

Find it here